Tag: Altruism 20th Anniversary

  • Emotional Health Marathon Honoring “Altruism’s” 20th Anniversary

    Emotional Health Marathon Honoring “Altruism’s” 20th Anniversary

    PA “Altruism”, a non-governmental organization, is a leader in the field of suicide prevention and emotional support, announces the 20th anniversary of its establishment. On the occasion of this significant milestone, the organization is launching the Emotional Health Marathon today.

    During the next 6-week, 5 psychologists from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, members of the PA “Altruism” team, will offer citizens free support services to improve their emotional health. The Emotional Health Marathon starts today, June 22nd and will end on July 27th.

    Among the activities of the marathon are:

    • Every Thursday from 16:00 to 20:00, psychologists and counselors from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine will voluntarily offer free emotional support sessions. Face-to-face consultations are offered in English, Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian. No appointment required.
    • Over 30 group events such as seminars, trainings, art therapy sessions at the organization’s headquarters.
    • Online events and support.

    About NGO “Altruism”

    NGO “Altruism”, founded by psychologist Liuba Ceban, became widely known when it started offering online emotional support services. Over the years, the organization has become a pioneer in the field of suicide prevention and emotional support, as well as in contributing to the mental health of citizens of the Republic of Moldova. The number of people who received emotional support offered by the suicide prevention Lifeline www.pentruviata.md exceeded 7500 people. We also trained more than 1000 specialists from different fields on topics related to the phenomenon of suicide. During the last 10 years, the organization has implemented over 30 projects in the field of suicide prevention.

    At the same time, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, “Altruism” has extended its services to refugees. During the last year, 10 projects of emotional support and humanitarian aid were implemented in the Republic of Moldova and in Ukraine. With the support of its partners, the organization provides regular humanitarian aid to over 400 mothers with children up to 3 years old, and more than 600 refugees from Chisinau benefited from emotional support and counseling sessions.

    The organization encourages anyone who supports our efforts in contributing to a noble cause to donate at https://novoe.info/donate/ Join us as we work together to build a mentally healthier society.


    069379000 – Liuba Ceban

    altruism.md@gmail.com  info@altruism.info

    Chisinau, str. 31 August, no.  98, office 501